1.Eat the Frog!

Start with the task you are looking forward to the least but is the top priority. This way you don’t have time to make excuses and waste time on things that aren’t as important.
2. Break it Down

Break all the big task down into smaller task so it’s less daunting.

3. Change Your Scenery Move around change your environment until your frame of mind has changed. A new environment can inspire creativity and productivity.

4. Control Your Self Talk
Stop saying you are a procrastinator, your words have power. If you want to be more efficient with your time start saying, “I am good with my time, I prioritize what’s important and execute!”

5. Block Your Working Time Put away all your distractions and work concentrated for a chunk of time! Let us us know which one of these tips you tried and how much more productive they made you!
Great Advice