YOU ARE ENOUGH! In case you haven’t heard it in a while it’s true. I don’t care if it’s taking you twice as long to start your business, or if your kids refuse to stop using each other for target practice, or you can’t figure out why you’re putting out great content and no one notices.
Often this journey called life gets so overwhelming and we begin to rethink what we are capable of, but when God calls you to do something, he also equips you with everything you need. In this new season of life where I’ve transitioned from one little one to, two I have often felt like this is too much for me to handle. I would think to myself, “Lord did I hear you right when you said you wanted me to be a mom, a wife, open another business, and continue to help other moms do the same?” Although I have those moments, I make a conscious decision not to stay there.
We have to remember that we were created for a specific purpose and plan and it’s God’s desire to see us fulfill that. Ephesians 2:10 say, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
I know this journey as a mom and entrepreneur aren’t easy, but I encourage you to stay connected to the Boss Mom Life community so we can be an encouragement and build with one another. Starting in January we will be continuing our monthly meet-ups and I hope to see you there!