1. Low Impact Workout! So when I say low impact I mean not what you do on a regular if you're already going to the gym / working out. I have a family membership at the YMCA by my house. With that there is something for everyone of my children to do even childcare for the baby so I take full advantage. Example aqua aerobics, sauna, jacuzzi, calm bike ride or walk. (Create a play list for free over time by adding a song or two each week) The music is something you can have for your walk or just be in silence with the Lord taking in all He has made. Using all of your senses to honor Him with that time. Something that has no expectations. Its just for you to clear your mind and allow God's peace to be the focus.
know for me I take aqua aerobics not just because its better on my knees but it has increased my endurance. With increased endurance, I am able to do a little more at home for my family with less of a stress level. Most importantly it's for me! It's like my own personal reward that happens to benefit others too.
2. Change of Scenery

Sometimes a change of scenery can mean all the difference between reigniting the creative juices or just feeling like nothing is going to work out. So save a few bucks to go and stay overnight at a hotel just for you, or have someone take the kids for the night or weekend and you get to be home alone but you sit in a room that you rarely go to and take in the scenery. Make a Spotify play list for different needs like when I need to relax I have a play list for that and I have one for when I need to get moving. Play your music as loud or low as you want, light a candle, have a glass of wine/tea/coffee made by you at home. (Keeping the ingredients on your regular shopping list helps to ensure you always have something in your home to make it with.) It's amazing what a new coat of paint will do for a room and your outlook. Trust me I know. A new coat of paint spoke volumes to the possibilities God was speaking that I simply couldn't see without that small change.
3. Deals That Give Thrills
I love to save money. And I have found that when I save money I feel better because it allows for my dollars to meet extra needs for my family and leaves a little something extra for me. When done properly, I am able to go on Groupon, Google, Event Bright, Face book, etc and find free or very low cost things to do. These by no means have to be extravagant but just a way to release and enjoy life. I took a salsa dancing class that was free and I really enjoyed it. Maybe its painting, pottery, sewing etc. We work, take care of our families and need to enjoy the fruits of that labor. By doing simple things like this, we cancel the enemies lies that call of selfish for caring about ourselves. Again by keeping things within reason where our families don't suffer which will create the very thing we're aiming to avoid.

To wrap this all up, I'd say you have to recognize the crucial need for self care. Confessing who we are in the Fathers eyes is so key in this. Psalm 139:1-24 spells out exactly how we sometimes look at ourselves but most importantly how He looks at us and how He responds to us. God loves and values us so much that He gave His son for us. The least we can do is grab hold to a fraction of that love and take care of ourselves. When we do this, we are the most like our daddy.
Take care! ❤️❤️❤️
Tykenzi Steward Founder of Gracefully Designed